Contact: Stephanie Brendel, PR Director, URBN
(724) 814-2195
For Immediate Release
Urban Outfitters Inc. Announced New Children’s Clothing Brand
Five “Just Peachy” Stores Will Open Spring 2019
Philadelphia, Oct. 17 – Urban Outfitters Inc. (URBN) announced a new children’s clothing line and retail store, Just Peachy. The brand will target children ages 8- 16 and will be based onURBN’s Urban Outfitters clothing line.
"I’m so excited for this next step in URBN’s growth,” said David McCreight, President of URBN. “With the success of our other clothing brands in the market, Just Peachy offers the incredible opportunity to reach a new demographic.”
The new stores will open in March, 2019, in Philadelphia, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Miami.
The new stores will feature clothing, as well as accessories and shoes. Each store will have a unique design aimed at enhancing the shopping experience for children and parents alike.
“I am so honored to be leading this new expansion,” said Isabelle Olmos, the new Executive Director of Just Peachy. “We can’t wait to focus on creating a whole new shopping experience for kids.”
About URBN:
Urban Outfitters, Inc. is headquartered in Philadelphia and comprised of consumer brands Anthropologie, BHLDN, Free People, Terrain and Urban Outfitters. URBN brands are dedicated to providing a unique shopping experience while inspiring and connecting with customers. Thecompany was founded as the retail store Free People in 1970. It was renamed to Urban Outfitters and incorporated in 1976. For more information, visit